
Umar Farooq

Dated: 18-Oct-2015

Few months ago I, Umar Farooq student of Computer sciences at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, was in last semester of my studies, received an email from Microsoft. I didn’t pay attention in the first place but When I studied thoroughly it was indeed a great opportunity offering registration in a contest that would last for six months and if I got selected then an internship will be awarded for a time period of three months at Microsoft Pakistan local office at either Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi.

It was 21th of Feb when Microsoft Learn for Success gave student such an opportunity of internship at Microsoft that was specifically for the habitats of Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, South Africa, and Egypt. It was the first time that Microsoft introduced through Microsoft Learn For Success an internship program that had its circle around only 5 mentioned countries for a time period of 3 months which means it was only going to last for 90 days.
No doubt Microsoft gives everyone chances to prove their selves by giving an opportunity to work beneath her supervision where someone can prove his/her excellence, regarding skills, unique ideas and qualities of leadership. From many excellence one or more might be considered and polished further to make them starters of one’s career in his miserable life. Besides these, more importantly the Microsoft caries eloquent process in every particular domain which not only strengthens the power but also let the skills to come out very promptly that help securing bright future.

Email was sent to every student, who had an account at Hotmail, with a purpose of awaking everyone to avail this opportunity. So keeping all that in mind I took it seriously and started following the contest. I always preferred to study online besides university lectures, so I think that might be the reason why I responded to the mail quit fast. Before stumbling into I started to study this contest from every aspect, it was based on MVA courses of three particular domains i.e. developer, infrastructure and community.

Three portals were involved i.e. DVLUP portal, Learn for Success portal and courses from MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy). At Microsoft Learn for success web portal, for shot LFS, there were tasks enlisted which we had to complete and submitted before their deadlines Every task was further supposed to check by DVLUP DVLUP was the one which helped out the LFS in checking, validating the tasks for their completion and then forwarding the final scores back to the LFS after validating their completion status of MVA’s courses.

DVLUP was just like a catalyst in this entire scenario because it was her who had to check every task done by every single contestant of this contest with a strategy the sooner DVLUP checks the faster will be the result announced. If DVLUP found MVA courses not completed or partially completed then it would be reporting back to the LFS with the same status accordingly.

I was in last semester of my studies when I took part in LFS contest; the success did not come by a ‘stroke of luck’. Infect “I worked very hard on managing time. I used to go to the university in the morning and after finishing my classes I worked till very late in the night to keep my position well sustained all through the contest, Contest lasted for 6 months and then winners were announced country wise. The full list of LFS winners released can be viewed at this link where I’m at second place

And now days I’m at Lahore at Arfa Technology Park, doing really well and enjoying my professional life. Right after that I just realized that I could succeed in whatever I take part into with full dedication and devotion.


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